It has been a whirlwind of a year here at Alluring Events & Design…where has the year gone?! As the holidays approach and the new year is right around the corner, we always like to take a minute to unwind and reflect. Although each year brings it ups and its downs, we always like to focus on the positive. So, we thought we would share with you what we are thankful for this past year.”I am thankful to be surrounded by strong and passionate women in the industry. It is so inspiring to see people supporting each other. Networking is a huge part of any job and I am thankful to have an amazing network of people.” {Aubrey}”This year I am especially thankful for the opportunities I have been given, the relationships I’ve made and for the people in my life who have helped in immeasurable ways. I am thankful for my husband who makes sacrifices and works extremely hard to better our lives, and I am of course thankful for my puppy who cracks me up on a daily basis!!” {Rachele}“This Thanksgiving I am thankful for many things. Of course my amazing family and friends that are always by my side when I need them most…and even when I don’t need them 😉 I am also thankful that there are still good and generous people in this world.  Sometimes we forget just how fortunate we are. There are so many little things we take for granted because it’s just what we are used to. I think it’s important to remember that not everyone is as fortunate as you, so give back when you can and always remember to be thankful for what life and God have given you.” {Laura}“This year I am extra thankful for my precious, strong, healthy, happy, 3 month old baby girl. Watching her grow, learn, and change every day is so exciting. Her big gummy smile lights up my world. Even at 3 months old she has such a fun personality and I can’t wait to watch her grow. I am blessed to have my amazing husband by my side during this beautiful journey. And of course I am thankful for my goofball dog Bo!“ {Kayleigh}”I am thankful for my friends who remind me every day how blessed I am to have them in my life. I am so thankful for my children who never fail to make me smile and feel loved. Also for my husband for keeping me grounded. Lastly, I am thankful for wine.” {Sarah}”I’m obviously so thankful for my husband and daughter and our new sweet puppy but I’m also thankful to have a job that I’m so passionate about that doesn’t even feel like work.  I’m so grateful for the people and friendships – vendors in the industry, brides, families – it has brought into my life over the years!” {Brittany}”Another holiday season is upon us, another year to be thankful for.  Day to day struggles come & go, as they do in everyone’s life. But when I take a step back and soak it all in, I feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude for the life that I have. I’m so fortunate to be surrounded by friends and family who love me and bring me happiness. I have health, food, shelter & safety; luxuries that many across the world don’t possess. This holiday season, let us do what we can with what we have, whether it’s to provide food, warm clothing or make a donation to a charitable organization. It takes humans coming together to help one another to make a difference. Please take the time to help others during this season.” {Lauren} – An organization that has provided over $5 billion in 23 years to those in need all over the world. With help ranging from doctors, food, shelter, medicine, and baby – Funding goes towards saving infants and young children in 18 of the worlds poorest countries; providing medical care to pregnant women and – Breast Cancer Research Foundation provides grants to experts that continue to seek new prevention methods and treatments.