Hey all my budget bandits, coupon queens, and super savers! I’m back with our budget tip of the month! A very popular trend right now is to resell anything and everything you can from your wedding. There are tons of sites where you can resell everything. From your dress all the way down to the DIY decorations you made for the big day! There is always a bride out there looking to save a few bucks and save time when it come to their wedding.

Sites like:Tradeseyhttps://www.tradesy.comRuffled Bloghttps://ruffledblog.com/community/recycle-your-wedding.htmlEvent Leftovershttps://www.eventleftovers.com

Facebook is also a great option to try and unload some of your wedding extras and make a little money in the process. On the flip side these websites are also a great reference to find cheap used décor or even wedding dresses for your self and your own wedding. These small little things will end up saving you money and time in the end.

{Laura, Sacramento Wedding Planner}